

Time is thin, the subject matter vast: Expertise, vision, taking action towards meeting targets. Building new value.

Serialization: Time is thin, the subject matter vast

A focus on large investment, intrusive interventions in production processes, compliance and packaging lines, extension of your collaboration with partners.
Serialization is the Compliance to current regulations and the monitoring of future changes.
It is awareness and involvement of the entire company’s organization, Integration with the Logistics and Supply Chain, the re-consideration of market goals.
It is completion and management of Master Data.
It is new relationships with your business partners: CMO, 3PL, Brand Owners.
It is also an appropriate Qualification and Validation strategy.

What it takes: experience, expertise, vision, action

  • This is what we know, from our approach and from the experience we have shared with our Customers.
  • Setting strategies, selecting Suppliers, integrating Business Partners, reviewing IT architecture, leading the project, supporting change, fine tuning processes, planning the future!
  • Providing support for the organization of the whole Company: Engineering, Production, Logistics, The Supply Chain.
  • Regulation, Artwork Management, Quality and Compliance, Computer System Validation, Sales, Information Technology.

Furthermore, LifeBee is Partner of Tracelink, and together with its Certified Professionals can fully support Companies and Corporates in the management and implementation of the Tracelink Life Science Cloud.
What we have sustained for several years and that which we’ve confirmed from experience is that Serialization, once established, can add value to the Company.